Harrison joined me once again on my daily trek to UNH. After walking around for a bit we headed for the car. While walking along the road we stood in front of a church. There was a manger scene setup out front. Not Super out of the ordinary but definitely enough to catch our attention seeing that it was January 13th. Harrison pointed and said “theres our star, already setup on campus” I laughed and as I was turning to go to my car He stopped and went dead silent. “Ben” he said, whilst reaching into his bible. He pulled out the picture that His son had drawn a month ago of a manger. Slowly holding it up I caught my breath… It was an exact match to the manger we stood before now on the campus of UNH. All the way down to the tilted star and color of the wood… We were undone in the masterful creativity of our father. He used a five year old boy to confirm His word for us… what a beautiful God.
1-13-22 - The Manger
Updated: Apr 14, 2023