Tonight I stand in the middle of the football stadium. State of the art facilities surround me as I spend time in prayer. While praying I hear the voice of the Lord say “do you like what I have prepared for you my son”, I ask Him to explain to which He responds “all that you see, the facilities, the field, the stands, were built by the hands of others… but they were built for you…” He goes on “In fact those that built it had no clue that every piece was being placed in preparation for a great move and outpouring of my spirit”. He then took it a step further and said “Benjamin, all that you see was being built while you had yet to surrender your life to me, and it was being built for you”. I was in tears, and taken back to a revelation I had received from the Lord years prior that, due to the planting of seeds by past generations across New England, when god began to move we wouldn’t even need to plant further but rather gather the fruit of the seed that had already been planted. (December 27th)
1-19-22 - Built for You
Updated: Apr 14, 2023